12 research outputs found

    Ciberseguretat i vulnerabilitat en les telecomunicacions: Criptografia clàssica vs. criptografia quàntica

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    Els diversos avenços en el camp de la física quàntica dels darrers anys han fet que puguem tenir a l’abast, en un futur proper, els ordinadors quàntics. Aquests desenvolupaments tenen una enorme importància per a la criptografia. En aquest treball es dona una introducció a aquests temes: la computació clàssica i la quàntica, la criptografia i els efectes que la computació quàntica té en els seus algoritmes, i la nova criptografia quàntica. Es discuteix com els algoritmes clàssics de la criptografia estan en perill, i com d’altres basats en la física quàntica emergeixen amb un gran potencial per garantir la privacitat de les comunicacions.Paraules clau: física quàntica, comunicacions quàntiques, criptografia, criptografia quàntica,algoritme BB84.In recent years, several advances in the field of quantum physics mean that quantum computers may be within reach in the near future. These developments are of enormous importance for cryptography. This paper provides an introduction to thesetopics: classical and quantum computation, cryptography and the effects that quantum computation will have on associated algorithms, and the new quantum cryptography. It discusses how classical cryptographic algorithms are endangered, and how others based on quantum physics have great potential to guarantee the privacy of communication.Keywords: quantum physics, quantum communications, cryptography, quantum cryptography,algorithm BB84

    Prototyping the recursive internet architecture: the IRATI project approach

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    In recent years, many new Internet architectures are being proposed to solve shortcomings in the current Internet. A lot of these new architectures merely extend the current TCP/IP architecture and hence do not solve the fundamental cause of these problems. The Recursive Internet Architecture (RINA) is a true new network architecture, developed from scratch, building on lessons learned in the past. RINA prototyping efforts have been ongoing since 2010, but a prototype on which a commercial RINA implementation can be built has not been developed yet. The goal of the IRATI research project is to develop and evaluate such a prototype in Linux/OS. This article focuses on the software design required to implement a network stack in Linux/OS. We motivate the placement of, and communication between, the different software components in either the kernel or user space. The first open source prototype of the IRATI implementation of RINA will be available in June 2014 for researchers, developers, and early adopters

    End-user traffic policing for QoS assurance in polyservice RINA networks

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    Looking at the ever-increasing amount of heterogeneous distributed applications supported on current data transport networks, it seems evident that best-effort packet delivery falls short to supply their actual needs. Multiple approaches to Quality of Service (QoS) differentiation have been proposed over the years, but their usage has always been hindered by the rigidness of the TCP/IP-based Internet model, which does not even allow for applications to express their QoS needs to the underlying network. In this context, the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) has appeared as a clean-slate network architecture aiming to replace the current Internet based on TCP/IP. RINA provides a well-defined QoS support across layers, with standard means for layers to inform of the different QoS guarantees that they can support. Besides, applications and other processes can express their flow requirements, including different QoS-related measures, like delay and jitter, drop probability or average traffic usage. Greedy end-users, however, tend to request the highest quality for their flows, forcing providers to apply intelligent data rate limitation procedures at the edge of their networks. In this work, we propose a new rate limiting policy that, instead of enforcing limits on a per QoS class basis, imposes limits on several independent QoS dimensions. This offers a flexible traffic control to RINA network providers, while enabling end-users freely managing their leased resources. The performance of the proposed policy is assessed in an experimental RINA network test-bed and its performance compared against other policies, either RINA-specific or adopted from TCP/IP. Results show that the proposed policy achieves an effective traffic control for high QoS traffic classes, while also letting lower QoS classes to take profit of the capacity initially reserved for the former ones when available.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    ARCFIRE : experimentation with the recursive InterNetwork Architecture

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    European funded research into the Recursive Inter-Network Architecture (RINA) started with IRATI, which developed an initial prototype implementation for OS/Linux. IRATI was quickly succeeded by the PRISTINE project, which developed different policies, each tailored to specific use cases. Both projects were development-driven, where most experimentation was limited to unit testing and smaller scale integration testing. In order to assess the viability of RINA as an alternative to current network technologies, larger scale experimental deployments are needed. The opportunity arose for a project that shifted focus from development towards experimentation, leveraging Europe's investment in Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE+) infrastructures. The ARCFIRE project took this next step, developing a user-friendly framework for automating RINA experiments. This paper reports and discusses the implications of the experimental results achieved by the ARCFIRE project, using open source RINA implementations deployed on FIRE+ Testbeds. Experiments analyze the properties of RINA relevant to fast network recovery, network renumbering, Quality of Service, distributed mobility management, and network management. Results highlight RINA properties that can greatly simplify the deployment and management of real-world networks; hence, the next steps should be focused on addressing very specific use cases with complete network RINA-based networking solutions that can be transferred to the market

    Guaranteeing QoS requirements in long-haul RINA networks

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    In the last years, networking scenarios have been evolving, hand-in-hand with new and varied applications with heterogeneous Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. These requirements must be efficiently and effectively delivered. Given its static layered structure and almost complete lack of built-in QoS support, the current TCP/IP-based Internet hinders such an evolution. In contrast, the clean-slate Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) proposes a new recursive and programmable networking model capable of evolving with the network requirements, solving in this way most, if not all, TCP/IP protocol stack limitations. Network providers can better deliver communication services across their networks by taking advantage of the RINA architecture and its support for QoS. This support allows providing complete information of the QoS needs of the supported traffic flows, and thus, fulfilment of these needs becomes possible. In this work, we focus on the importance of path selection to better ensure QoS guarantees in long-haul RINA networks. We propose and evaluate a programmable strategy for path selection based on flow QoS parameters, such as the maximum allowed latency and packet losses, comparing its performance against simple shortest-path, fastest-path and connection-oriented solutions.This work has been partly funded by the Spanish National project SUNSET (FEDER-TEC2014-59583), and the European Commission through the H2020 ARCFIRE project (Grant 687871).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Biologically Inspired Associative Memory for Artificial Olfaction

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a biologically inspired architecture for a Hopfield-like associative memory applied to artificial olfaction. The proposed algorithm captures the projection between two neural layers of the insect olfactory system (Antennal Lobe and Mushroom Body) with a kernel based projection. We have tested its classification performance as a function of the size of the training set and the time elapsed since training and compared it with that obtained with a Support Vector Machine

    A Software Development Kit to exploit RINA programmability

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    The Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) is a general architecture for all forms of computer networking, based on a single type of programmable layer that recurs as many times as required by the network designer. The recursion and programmability aspects of RINA are key to design flexible, heterogeneous networks while still bounding their complexity. In this paper we show how the programmability enabled by the RINA architecture can be exploited in practice by means of a Software Development Kit (SDK) developed for IRATI, the open source RINA implementation. A proof of concept validation of the SDK is carried out by experimenting with multiple policies in a distributed cloud network scenario

    Seamless network renumbering in RINA: Automate address changes without breaking flows!

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    Network renumbering in the IP world is a complicated and expensive procedure that has to be carefully planned and executed to avoid routing, security (firewall, ACLs) and transport connection integrity problems. The source of most of these issues is in the lack of a complete naming and addressing architecture in the TCP/IP protocol suite. This paper analyses the issues related to IP networks renumbering, identifying its root causes. Then it looks into how these issues affect renumbering in networks based on RINA, a network architecture with a complete naming scheme. Theoretical analysis backed up by experimentation results indicate that renumbering in RINA networks not only is seamless (can be done without impacting existing flows) but also does not require any special mechanisms

    End-user traffic policing for QoS assurance in polyservice RINA networks

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    Looking at the ever-increasing amount of heterogeneous distributed applications supported on current data transport networks, it seems evident that best-effort packet delivery falls short to supply their actual needs. Multiple approaches to Quality of Service (QoS) differentiation have been proposed over the years, but their usage has always been hindered by the rigidness of the TCP/IP-based Internet model, which does not even allow for applications to express their QoS needs to the underlying network. In this context, the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) has appeared as a clean-slate network architecture aiming to replace the current Internet based on TCP/IP. RINA provides a well-defined QoS support across layers, with standard means for layers to inform of the different QoS guarantees that they can support. Besides, applications and other processes can express their flow requirements, including different QoS-related measures, like delay and jitter, drop probability or average traffic usage. Greedy end-users, however, tend to request the highest quality for their flows, forcing providers to apply intelligent data rate limitation procedures at the edge of their networks. In this work, we propose a new rate limiting policy that, instead of enforcing limits on a per QoS class basis, imposes limits on several independent QoS dimensions. This offers a flexible traffic control to RINA network providers, while enabling end-users freely managing their leased resources. The performance of the proposed policy is assessed in an experimental RINA network test-bed and its performance compared against other policies, either RINA-specific or adopted from TCP/IP. Results show that the proposed policy achieves an effective traffic control for high QoS traffic classes, while also letting lower QoS classes to take profit of the capacity initially reserved for the former ones when available.Peer Reviewe

    Open multi-access edge computing and distributed mobility management with RINA

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    MEC or Multi-Access Edge Computing is a network service delivery architecture that enables cloud computing capabilities at the edge of the access network. Realisation of the MEC vision is challenging with current network technologies: service discovery and routing, secure network slicing and distributed mobility management require complex capabilities in the network. This demo features an OMEC use case realised via RINA, the Recursive Network Architecture. RINA provides interesting properties for OMEC, due to its support for multi-homing, mobility and slicing without special protocols, and security as a first class element of the architecture